
Come to Life - Trent Dabbs


【美式乡村】Come to Life - Trent Dabbs

选自Trent Dabbs发行于2012年的专辑《Future Like Snow》。整张唱片温暖轻柔,创作风格属极简的吟唱民谣(acoustic folk/pop)。

唱作歌手Trent Dabbs是在密西西比州的Jackson长大的,但他一直在纳什维尔工作。Dabbs经常和制片人Dennis Herring和Clay Jones一起录制他创作的音乐,于2004年发布了《Herring's Sweet Tea imprint》赢得业界关注,其中的作品还被选入电视节目The OC and The Mountain原声带中。 

《Come to Life》

Don't work so hard
Just come lay down
It will ever end
Just not right now

Let it breathe
It will be alright
There's gold in the ground
Where we're walking tonight

Just sit back
And watch it come, to life

That ticking clock
That's over your shoulder
It's gonna start
'Cause this isn't over

Let it breathe
It will be alright
There's gold in the ground
Where we're walking tonight

Just sit back
And watch it come, to life
And watch it come, to life

Let it breathe
It will be alright
There's gold in the ground
Where we're walking tonight

Just sit back
And watch it come, to life
And watch it come, to life

